Power vs. Force: Pluto in Aquarius opposite Mars in Leo
Happy New Moon in Sagittarius!
Sagittarius, the sign of wisdom, enlightenment, and experience-seeking, is also known just as much for its tendency to go overboard, to be loquacious, grandstanding, self-righteous, irresponsible, impulsive, and reckless. Such is the nature of the higher and lower expression of signs and planets in astrology. This New Moon (exact December 1, 2024, at 1:20am EST) is conjunct fixed star Antares, the Watcher of the West…
2024 Fall Eclipses: Soul Growth and Path Clearing
On September 17, 2024, at 10:33 pm EDT, we will experience a partial lunar eclipse that takes place at 25°40’ Pisces opposite the Sun at 25°40’ Virgo.
Eclipses only occur when the Moon is near the Nodes of the Moon, the North Node (indicating the direction of soul growth) or the South Node (indicating what needs to be left behind or integrated for the evolution of the soul). The closer the lunation is to the nodes, the more complete the eclipse is. This one is 10°57’ away from the nodes, so it is only a partial eclipse.
As with any chart we study, be it a natal, synastry, mundane, etc., we have to take into account the full picture of the placements and aspects involved to get the whole story.
Tips for Transmuting Pain into Love
As I often write about difficult transits or natal chart aspects, I realize that having assistance in working through difficult feelings and traumas these situations unearth would be beneficial. The following are some tips for transmuting painful energy into loving, productive energy that helps us grow and become more authentic, healed, and whole, offered in loving kindness.
The Full Moon of Venus
From June 2 – 6, 2024 (exact on June 4), we will experience what is known as Venus’ Superior Conjunction to the Sun, an important part of the Venus Synodic Cycle and completion of one of the points of the 5-pointed star that Venus’ path makes in our skies from our viewpoint on Earth. If you are a Venus-dominant person – if you are a Taurus or Libra Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus, or Signature Sign person, or if your natal Venus is conjunct your Sun or Ascendant – these Venus transits will be very important to your activities and development.
Eclipse Season Incoming
On Monday, March 25, 2024, at exactly 3:00 am Eastern Daylight Time, we will experience the first eclipse of 2024 – a penumbral lunar eclipse – which will occur at 5° 07’ Libra, opposing the Sun at 5° 07’ Aries. Eclipses are full moons (lunar eclipses) or new moons (solar eclipses) that are conjunct the Nodes of the Moon, also known as the Nodes of Destiny or Fate. Eclipses mark endings and beginnings, with the lunar eclipses being more focused on endings and the solar eclipses focused more on beginnings – just like full and new moons are – but they are extra. Whatever is not aligned with our destiny, future, or higher self will be sometimes ripped out from under us, ready or not, and our better direction shoved in our faces.
Squares to the Nodes
Squares to the Nodes in the natal chart often indicates something we need to heal within ourselves, and perhaps even within our ancestral lineage, and sometimes these lessons and experiences can be harsh, even traumatic.
Compulsively Repulsive: A case study in astrological Thor’s Hammers
Compulsively Repulsive: A case study in astrological Thor’s Hammer configurations in the natal chart