Compulsively Repulsive: A case study in astrological Thor’s Hammers
As an astrologer, I am naturally drawn to figuring out the “why” of someone’s behavior, and that often leads me way beyond simple natal chart planetary placements and deep into aspect configuration territory.
What puzzles us most about human behavior isn’t the simple reasons behind why someone is too sensitive (delicate Moon placement) or is too aloof (Saturn or Aquarian placements), but usually about complex behavior that is hard to get a grip on, for both the native and those who experience their complex behavior. This usually leads people to the therapist’s office, a mental hospital, or even to prison, but it still piques the curiosities of the psychological-growth-oriented sleuths out there, myself included.
We can call this “Astrological True Crime” if you like – or our own compulsion to understand how the human psyche works and why its driven to do what it does under certain conditions.
In astrology, there is a particular aspect configuration that has recently caught my attention: the Thor’s Hammer.
A Thor’s Hammer is a triangle-shaped configuration that consists of challenging aspects on all three sides. It is in the category of Hard Wedges, which also share these characteristics. The difference in the Thor’s Hammer is that it consists of a square on one side and two sesquisquares (or sesqui-quadrates) on the other two sides. The planet at the tip of the triangle is called the apex planet and is the one that absorbs all the difficult energy from the other two, who already don’t get along because they are square each other, and it generally explodes forcefully out of the energy of the apex planet – much like the Hammer of Thor that it is named after.
Thor’s Hammer, mythologically, is named Mjölnir, which means “thunder hammer,” after the God of Thunder. It is a magical and fearsome weapon that can grind, crush, and destroy anything in its path – including mountains - and is designed to never miss its target. After being thrown, it boomerangs back into the hand of Thor where it will be used to destroy once again whoever or whatever is in its targeted path. It is also known for its “short handle” – which can easily be interpreted as a “short fuse.”
Astrologically, this aspect configuration denotes unconscious, compulsive, and repetitive behavior that tends to be problematic for both the native and the people who experience it – those unlucky recipients of the Hammer. The key is in understanding how the energies of the planets involved work together, and if a suitable outlet can be created by consciously using the energy of the apex planet in a productive and intentional way.
The truly challenging problems come when we are dealing with the malefics – Mars, Saturn, Pluto, and sometimes Uranus – in this configuration, and that is what I’m really interested in because they tend to lead to more extreme, and sometimes destructive, outcomes. These planets in challenging positions and aspects tend to create complex problems that are difficult and painful to resolve. Understanding how they play their part can help us understand why we, or others, tend to behave the way we do.
Let’s look first at what a sesquisquare is in a natal chart. A sesquisquare is a hard aspect, like a square or an opposition, and is calculated at 135° (with a 2-2.5° orb) between two planets or points. This aspect denotes a certain tension and stressful relationship between the energies of the two planets involved, and it is unconscious in nature, so the native is not fully aware of their tendency to act out this volatility. This singular aspect between two planets alone can be difficult to handle on its own!
A square in a natal chart is when two planets or points are separated by 90° (with a 7.8° orb) and denotes conflict and stress between the two planets’ energies which requires some inner compromise to reach balance and moderation. This aspect is also difficult on its own and the cause of much consternation and frustration in many people’s lives.
When we put these two aspects together and add in a second sesquisquare, this creates a hard-locked negative feedback loop that keeps repeating in the native’s life. They usually are unaware of what is happening, yet the results are visible and unmistakable: they are their own worst enemy and they (or their repeated unconscious behaviors) are the cause of the bulk of the problems they experience in this area (having to do with the planets involved) – and there are usually quite a lot of problems.
Types of Thor’s Hammers
There are two different kinds of Thor’s Hammers, from my observations. One is made more workable due to the lack of malefics involved in the configuration – I’ll call this one a non-malevolent Thor’s Hammer. It may have the Sun, Venus, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, or Neptune (though both Uranus and Neptune can act malefically if handled unconsciously) involved, or one of the angles (Ascendant, Midheaven, etc.) or calculated points (Vertex, Part of Fortune, Lilith, etc.), or even a minor planet like Ceres, Vesta, Juno, or Pallas. This could point to some unconscious, trigger-based, compulsive behavior that would benefit from more consciousness and conscientiousness applied to allow for others’ agency and to come across as less forceful, less intense, thus helping you heal parts of yourself and grow in your character in a mature and responsible way. This one is difficult, but it is much easier to get a grasp on and wield more productively, once made conscious. It generally causes less “harm” and can usually be experienced as an annoying quirk of character rather than despicable behavior.
A non-malevolent Thor’s Hammer can also play out as weaponizing the energies of the involved planets against others, creating passive aggressive, manipulative situations where others’ energies are usurped against their will as a weapon against them. It’s tricky – but not necessarily malicious unless one of the malefics is somehow involved. And that involvement can come through shady, not readily apparent means – it can be the ruler of the sign one of the planets is in, or the ruler of the house, or it can be drawn into the configuration by way of a conjunction or a stellium, or even a secondary aspect.
The other kind – which I’ll call a malevolent Thor’s Hammer - will have one or, gods forbid, ALL the malefics involved in the configuration, which tends to lead to such behavioral qualities as blind aggression, willfulness, coercion, domination, abuse, acting out, rebellion, and being driven to all-out destruction. Anger, rage, and violence can be part of this configuration when the malefics are involved. This is when we get into truly repulsive behavior that is unconscious and compulsive.
How to Solve This Puzzle
The key to any Thor’s Hammer configuration is to find a way for the native to craft a constructive outlet through the apex planet, which is the planet that is collecting all the challenging energy from the two squaring planets that are both sesquisquaring it.
This can become difficult when the apex planet is itself problematic. Even more so when all the planets involved have become compromised. This causes the native with the Thor’s Hammer to see and treat everyone they feel triggered by as a nail, often to disastrous consequences.
My Formula For Working Successfully With a Thor’s Hammer
I have created a formula that can be used to craft a way out of the conundrum that is the Thor’s Hammer in a birth chart, and it goes like this, in statement form that describes the Theme and Solution of the Thor’s Hammer:
Theme: The inner conflict or tension (square) between my (negative behavior tendency of planet 1, including sign and house) and my (negative behavior tendency of planet 2, including sign and house) leads me to act out repeatedly in (negative behavior tendency of apex planet, including sign and house) ways.
Solution: The most direct solution to this inner conflict is to use (the highest energetic expression of the apex planet, including sign and house) productively and consciously.
For dramatic example, I have drawn charts for two very famous personalities that I am quite sure you know by name: Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer.
I picked these two serial killers because they are obvious examples of people who behaved compulsively and destructively – or what I like to call compulsively repulsive. I did not know prior to undertaking this study if they had any Thor’s Hammer configurations in their charts. I chose them based on their histories alone. (And this is not by any means an attempt to correlate all serial killers with having Thor’s Hammers in their charts, nor that Thor’s Hammers involving malefic planets will always lead to serial murder!) And lo and behold, they both have malevolent Thor’s Hammers!
I don’t like drawing the energy of these repulsive beings into my psyche any more than I need to, so I will just refer to them by their initials from this point on.
The Thor’s Hammer in T.B.’s chart
Astrological chart for serial killer Ted Bundy from
Planet 1: Vesta (square Lilith and sesquisquare Saturn)
Planet 2: Black Moon Lilith (square Vesta and sesquisquare Saturn)
Planet 3: Saturn (Apex), conjunct Pluto
Theme: The inner conflict or tension (square) between his deep-seated desire and need, even addiction, to merge into oneness with another in a spiritual, but dark and sexual, way that feels like his devoted calling and that makes him feel special (Vesta in Pisces in the 8th house) and his secret feelings of being rejected, outcast, damaged, sexually taboo, perverted, violent, wild, impulsive, cruel, and sadistic (Lilith in Sagittarius in the 4th house) leads him to repeatedly act out in masterfully punishing, malignantly narcissistic, authoritative, restrictive, controlling, shaming, shameful, destructive, unconscious, and escapist ways (Saturn retrograde in Leo in the 12th house conjunct Pluto).
Solution: To use the highest energy of Saturn in Leo in the 12th house – self-control, self-discipline, self-mastery to the point of it being a spiritual practice (which any martial art or eastern spiritual practice would assist greatly in this – 12th house is where we merge with the Universe), practicing healthy boundaries, living a devotedly structured life based around self-knowledge and self-respect – productively and consciously.
Further Analysis of T.B.’s Thor’s Hammer
There are several T-squares and hard wedges in his chart, as you can see with all those red lines, which indicates a lot of inner conflict and tension. His Thor’s Hammer is further intensified by the following aspects and qualities:
1. The apex planet is Saturn, one of the malefics that centers around authority, control, structure, rules, boundaries, mastery, restriction, punishment, and shame.
2. Saturn is conjunct Pluto, another strong malefic that is aligned with power, control, manipulation, transformation, sex, death, money and resources of others, loss, release, obsession, and depth perception, by 4°31”.
3. Saturn is retrograde, and both Saturn and Pluto are in Leo and in the 12th house.
a. Combined, these two generate a driving obsession with personal power and domination of others; in Leo, it is a game of pride and narcissism; in the 12th house, it is deeply unconscious, intuitive, instinctual, and done in secret or in the shadows.
b. Saturn is conjunct fixed star Asellus Australis (“Untrustworthy, dishonorable, low morality, bad habits formed early in life”).
c. Pluto is conjunct fixed star Acubens (“profound liar, thief, blackguard, scandal, and slander; it has been called “the sheltering of hiding place,” and gives activity, malevolence and poison, making its natives liars and criminals”).
d. Both Saturn and Pluto are opposite Ceres, square the Midheaven, square Jupiter, and square Chiron. Pluto is also square Venus, which is trine his Vesta.
4. Black Moon Lilith is conjunct both his Moon and Mars in Sagittarius.
a. Black Moon Lilith is the representation of the wild and dark feminine; feminine rage against the patriarchy; the outcast, rejected, and vulnerable anima of the masculine; Kali, sexual perversion, sexual taboo; lust and wanton refusal to submit; defiance.
b. His Mars (conjunct Moon and ruler of is conjunct fixed star Alwaid (“These individuals love to inflict lasting pain on others through the use of razors. They love to cut things open with razors and are the ones who enjoy severing parts from the body of a person, such as severing nerves from different parts of the body or torturing animals and watching them writhe in pain. This is the criminal who cannot be changed. Some with this degree who are brought up in a higher part of society would still do these things whether they have a job doing this or not. There have been doctors and others in the military who indulged in this either as an experiment or to exact a confession from someone. They enjoy severing nerves, especially along the spine, throat, and sexual areas. They work their way into situations where there is no one to control them so they can do what they wish. These natives have chosen this criminal route throughout many incarnations either as the abuser or the abused and will stay in it for a very long time. The cycle is a very long and very wide one. They are persons who have murdered in a former life, and who have been murdered in return, and the cycles continue”).
c. his Moon is conjunct fixed star Sabik (“Secret enmity and jealousy, trouble through relatives, successful but not wealthy, success in breeding stock”).
d. and his Black Moon Lilith is conjunct fixed star Ras Alhague (“gives misfortune through women, perverted tastes, and mental depravity. It is of the nature of Saturn and Venus (slovenly, very immoral, shameless, revolting, mean, sorrows in love”).
5. Black Moon Lilith, the Moon, and Mars are all opposite Uranus, retrograde, which is conjunct fixed stars:
a. Bellatrix, giving “Mental disturbance, much activity, occult or unpractical interests, repeatedly suffers through the same mistakes, disharmony with relatives and neighbors, successful in the occupation of making peculiar machinery but little financial gain; unfavorable for domestic matters, many minor accidents”).
b. and Capella, giving “Eccentric, mentally unbalanced or insane, clever inventor especially in connection with electricity, dependent upon others, peculiar religious views, unfavorable for domestic affairs; children, if any, weak in intellect”).
6. Vesta is at 23° Pisces in the 8th house (Scorpio/Pluto’s house of sex, death, the occult, secrets, and deep transformation).
a. and is conjunct fixed star Markab (“Fixed star Markab gives honor, riches, fortune, danger from fevers, cuts, blows, stabs and fire and a violent death; α and β Pagasi; respectively Markab and Scheat, are both Mars-Mercury stars. Both these stars are true-black malefics in traditional astrology, promising injury by one’s hand or another’s, and life imprisonment”).
b. Vesta represents that which we invest in, what we hold the candle/flame for, what we hold as sacred, holy, and worthy of our devotion; it’s the little light that shines in each of us; it is what we feel sets us apart and makes us special; it represents how and what we are committed to keeping sacred through sacrifice and dedication. It can indicate a sacred path, a solitary journey or spiritual practice. It can represent sexuality and “sacred sex” – tantra, kink, and BDSM can all be represented by Vesta. It is our burning desire to fulfill our personal, individual calling.
c. “With Vesta in the eighth house, you're devoted to transformative experiences of an emotional and sexual nature. You could find your sacred calling in working to help those who are going through change and upheaval. If your Vesta is in Pisces, you're devoted to the sacredness of all things.”
d. Vesta can indicate where you have dealings with multiple women, especially if you are male.
e. In Roman mythology, Vesta is the daughter of Saturn.
(Information on fixed stars from
So T.B. had a hard-core destructive, unconscious compulsion (Thor’s Hammer) to dominate, control, manipulate, coerce, punish, and destroy (Saturn conjunct Pluto in Leo in 12th) women (Vesta, Lilith, Moon) violently (Pluto, Mars) and sexually (Pluto, 8th house Vesta), in secret (8th house Vesta, 12th house Saturn and Pluto), through lies and deception (Pluto on Acubens) and by means of cutting people up in a sexual fashion that is compulsive and repetitive (Mars on Alwaid). Oh, and he’ll die a violent death (Markab), a la the electric chair. He was dedicated to this craft; he probably fancied himself a master at it, the absolute best, the patron saint of serial murder. It was his calling.
Our next example is the lovely J.D., who needs no further introduction. I found two Thor’s Hammers in his chart, along with several hard wedges. Again, focusing solely on the Thor’s Hammer aspect configurations (and its correlating aspects) here.
J.D.’s Thor’s Hammer #1:
Astrological chart for serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, from
Planet 1: Moon/DSC (square Saturn/Vesta and sesquisquare Pluto)
Planet 2: Saturn/Vesta (square Moon/DSC and sesquisquare Pluto)
Planet 3: Pluto (Apex)
Theme: The conflict or tension between his emotional reactivity (negative behavior of Moon in Aries in 7th house) and his need for rules, authority, and restriction as well as shame around his personal expression (negative behavior of Saturn retrograde in Capricorn in 3rd house) leads him to repeatedly act out in obsessive, destructive, coercive, sexual, sadistic, violent, abusive, and dominating ways with like-minded friends (negative behavior of Pluto in Virgo in 11th house).
Solution: To use the highest energy of Pluto in Virgo in the 11th house – self-transformation from dark to light, deep healing, soul purification, release of old wounds, digging deep for the ultimate Truth, and leading others, possibly groups of others, to Truth, healing, and positive transformation – productively and consciously.
Further Analysis of J.D.’s Thor’s Hammer #1
1. The Moon is exactly conjunct the Descendant in Aries and widely conjunct Mars in the 6th house (11°52” orb), which is the ruler of both the Moon and the DSC; this indicates defensive emotional reactivity in relationships with others and seeing others as utilitarian resources. Moon is also inconjunct the North Node, trine Uranus, trine Juno (Grand Fire Trine with Uranus/Juno), square the Midheaven, semi-square Mercury, and quintile Lilith.
2. Both the Moon and Saturn are dominant planets in his chart.
3. Saturn is one of the malefics that centers around authority, control, structure, rules, boundaries, mastery, restriction, punishment, and shame.
4. Saturn is tightly conjunct (by 44 minutes) Vesta; Vesta is the daughter of Saturn; Vesta is what we invest our energies in, what we feel is our calling and our specialness, it is our sacred flame and where our spiritual calling lies.
5. Saturn/Vesta are both retrograde in Capricorn, where Saturn is in domicile, in the 3rd house and are conjunct the IC and opposite the Midheaven; this indicates his calling to act out his shame with rules, authority, control, and punishment stems from his childhood and will happen behind closed doors; it also indicates difficulty with discipline, strict self-punishment and self-shaming for not performing up to “standards,” and difficulty with early education, communication skills, with siblings and neighborhood/school kids in youth. The second half of life is when mastery of these skills will begin to be shown. He is a late bloomer.
6. Saturn/Vesta trine Venus in Taurus in 8th house; Saturn/Vesta opposite Midheaven; Saturn/Vesta square Ascendant; Saturn/Vesta inconjunct Uranus; Saturn/Vesta semi-square Chiron; Saturn/Vesta sesquisquare Sun; Saturn quintile Neptune
7. Pluto trine Jupiter; Pluto sextile Black Moon Lilith; Pluto opposite Chiron and Ceres; Pluto square Mercury and Sun; Pluto semi-square Ascendant
8. Fixed Stars(information on fixed stars from
a. Saturn and Vesta conjunct Vega: “Strong passions, opinionated, original, many Mercurial difficulties, reputation suffers through wrongful accusations, trouble with superiors, domestic difficulties, few if any children, latter half of life more favorable, sudden death.”
b. Mars conjunct Algenib: “Quick mind and body, lying or theft, danger of accidents. If harshly aspected, mentally keen, but unless they have been carefully trained at an early age, they can develop into ‘con’ persons, swindlers, or in other ways become dishonest. In some cases, lying would be second nature to such natives. There is also a danger of turbulent actions to or by the natives with this conjunction. Natives’ judgment is open to question.”
c. Venus conjunct Zaurak: “Fixed Star Zaurak has a Saturnian character (disgrace, ruin, calamity.) Anyone who has this star connected with a planet in his chart should endeavor not to take life too seriously and put too much weight on everything people say. This person should struggle to overcome melancholy. Otherwise, this star could trigger off fear of death and suicidal tendencies... melancholia and feelings of great loneliness, as though one is all alone on that long river…”
d. Midheaven conjunct Pollux: “Pollux, also called Hercules, in the Twins, has a strongly felt Martian nature and has the name ‘the wicked boy’ of the brother-and-sister part of Castor and Pollux (Pollux murdered his twin sister, Castor); as a Gemini Sun, this is significant. “According to its nature, this star is brutal and tyrannical, violent, and cruel if in conjunction with the lights, AC or MC or even linked with malefics. Honor and preferment but danger of disgrace and ruin, martial eminence, success in trade and in occupations of a Mars nature. A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty, and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity from youth and in own city. Sensible, merciful, and generally don’t die a good death.”
e. Uranus conjunct Dubhe: “Dubhe, in Arabic “Bear”, the main star of the Great Bear, is credited with the destructiveness of Mars, working itself out, particularly in mundane maps, in a nasty way if this fixed star is conjunction Saturn. Dubhe is positioned conjunction the Moon in the natal chart of Mao Tse Tung and with Saturn in the chart of Hitler… According to Ptolemy, Ursa Major is like Mars (violent death, ultimate ruin by folly or pride.) It is said to give a quiet, prudent, suspicious, mistrustful, self-controlled, patient nature but an uneasy spirit and great anger and revengefulness when roused… Astrologically both Bears were said to presage an evil influence.”
f. Jupiter conjunct Polis: “High preferment in occupations dealing with public associations, possible name and fame forever.”
J.D.’s Thor’s Hammer #2:
Planet 1: Sun (square Pluto and sesquisquare Saturn/Vesta)
Planet 2: Pluto (square Sun and sesquisquare Saturn/Vesta)
Planet 3: Saturn/Vesta (Apex)
Theme: The conflict or tension between his sense of who he is as a man and the authority he wields in all things related to having a secret, intellectual curiosity about sex, power, death, and destruction (negative behavior of Sun in Gemini in 8th house) and his need to be a powerful and dominating person of influence in his groups of friends (negative behavior of Pluto in Virgo in 11th house) leads him to repeatedly act out in repressive, restrictive, punishing, shaming, and shameful ways that he feels a sense of authoritative power, sadistic control, and complete command and mastery. These behaviors have their roots in his childhood traumas and which he exercises in private, behind closed doors (negative behavior of Saturn/Vesta in Capricorn, retrograde, in the 3rd house and conjunct the IC).
Solution: To use the highest energy of Saturn/Vesta – self-control, self-discipline to the point of it being a spiritual practice (which any martial art or eastern spiritual practice would assist greatly in this), practicing healthy boundaries, living a devotedly structured life based around clear communication and self-knowledge – productively and consciously.
Further Analysis of J.D.’s Thor’s Hammer #2
1. The apex planet is Saturn, one of the malefics that centers around authority, control, structure, rules, boundaries, mastery, restriction, punishment, and shame.
2. Saturn is tightly conjunct (by 44 minutes) Vesta; Vesta is the daughter of Saturn; Vesta is what we invest our energies in, what we feel is our calling and our specialness, it is our sacred flame.
3. Saturn/Vesta are both retrograde in Capricorn, where Saturn is in domicile (Saturn rules Capricorn), in the 3rd house and are conjunct the IC and opposite the Midheaven; this indicates his calling to act out his shame with rules, authority, control, and punishment stems from his childhood and will happen behind closed doors; it also indicates difficulty with discipline, strict self-punishment and self-shaming for not performing up to “standards,” and difficulty with early education, communication skills, with siblings and neighborhood/school kids in youth. The second half of life is when mastery of these skills will begin to be shown. He is a late bloomer.
4. His Sun is his masculine energy, how he perceives himself in the world; in early Gemini in the 8th house (Pluto/Scorpio’s house of sex, death, transformation, resources, power, and the occult) and in square to Pluto in early Virgo in the 11th house, he feels his personal power is thwarted and challenged, like he must prove himself again and again under constant fear and pressure (could indicate being bullied, as well as the tendency to become a bully); his light is actually enveloped by a very dark shadow – he has a strong dark side, due to 8th house placement, that shows an acute affinity with death, sex, transformation, power, control, and the occult or any esoteric knowledge; the sesquisquare to Saturn/Vesta makes this proving ground especially punishing and, most likely, he derives a kind of kinky pleasure from punishment that he thrives on, both of others and of himself.
a. Sun conjunct Kronos (Kronos: authority and cleverness; “can make the native conceited, presumptuous, or elitist”)
b. Sun conjunct Venus
c. Sun conjunct Mercury
i. Mercury in a Yod with Mars (sextile) to Neptune (both inconjunct) in Scorpio in the 1st house
d. Sun square Ceres
e. Sun square Chiron
f. Sun inconjunct Jupiter
5. Pluto in early Virgo is beyond perfectionistic – it hates anything that fails his standards of perfection. In the 11th house, he is eerily magnetic in large groups of people.
a. Pluto conjunct Zeus
b. Pluto conjunct Part of Fortune
c. Pluto sextile Black Moon Lilith
d. Pluto trine Jupiter
6. Fixed Stars (information on fixed stars from
a. Sun conjunct Alcyone: “Throat ailments, chronic catarrh, blindness, bad eyes, injuries to the face, sickness, disgrace, evil disposition, murderer or murdered, imprisonment, death by pestilence, blows, stabs, shooting, beheading or shipwreck.” (He was murdered in prison by bludgeoning – severe skull and brain trauma.)
b. Mercury conjunct Prima Hyadum and Hyadum II
c. Volcanus at 28 Gemini conjunct Polaris (mean, immoral, shameless, revolting), Betelgeuse (immense strength; depends on what or how he uses his strength if this is positive or negative), and Menkalinan (causes ruin, disgrace, and frequently violent death): Volcanus, the higher octave of Saturn; is structured, blunt, and efficient, though can produce arrogance and lack of focus.
d. Midheaven conjunct Pollux: “Pollux, also called Hercules, in the Twins, has a strongly felt Martian nature and has the name ‘the wicked boy’ of the brother-and-sister part of Castor and Pollux (Pollux murdered his twin sister, Castor); as a Gemini Sun, this is significant. According to its nature, this star is brutal and tyrannical, violent, and cruel if in conjunction with the lights, AC or MC or even linked with malefics. Honor and preferment but danger of disgrace and ruin, martial eminence, success in trade and in occupations of a Mars nature. A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty, and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity from youth and in own city. Sensible, merciful, and generally don’t die a good death.”
These are interesting because both his luminaries (Sun and Moon) are involved in these Thor’s Hammers along with both Saturn and Pluto as the apexes – which, as we saw in T.B.’s chart, indicates a compulsion to act out coercive control.
Whereas T.B. felt drawn to act out his “higher calling” in a twisted, sexual, egotistical, narcissistic, and exploitive way, J.D. simply is the way he is because he is hard-wired that way. He absolutely cannot help himself. There is no calling, per se – this is just the animal he is. I can’t decide which one is worse.
As I have been researching this, I have discovered that Thor’s Hammers are not at all rare aspect configurations (I have one myself!) but show up in charts regularly. Overall, they indicate a blind spot or a habitual pattern of behavior that may or may not cause problems in our lives but can be problematic if not addressed. However, if the malefics are involved in these configurations, the likelihood of there being problems, often severe ones, is very high. The more malefics that are involved, the worse it will be for both the native and those they come into close contact with.
If you would like to delve into any Thor’s Hammers in your or your loved ones’ charts, please contact me for a reading. I’d be happy to help you understand this further.