Spring 2025 Transits to Be Aware Of
There are lots of planetary shifts happening in the next several weeks that will be affecting us that we should be aware of. The basic information is in the calendar below, and I will explain each transit in bullet form after that. All times are in EST.
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
9 FEB | 10 | 11 | 12 FULL MOON in Leo 24° 8:53a | 13 | 14 Mercury enters Pisces 7:06a | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 Sun enters Pisces 5:06a | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |
23 Ceres enters Pisces, 5:52p Mars Stations Direct 17° Cancer, 9:00p | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 NEW MOON in Pisces 9° 7:44p | 28 Mercury enters pre- retrograde shadow | 1 MARCH Venus Stations Retrograde, 7:36p |
2 | 3 Mercury enters Aries, 4:03a | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 LUNAR ECLIPSE / FULL MOON in Virgo, 2:53a | 15 Mercury stations Retrograde, 2:46a |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 Sun into Aries, 5:01a SPRING EQUINOX | 21 | 22 |
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 SOLAR ECLIPSE / NEW MOON IN ARIES |
30 Neptune enters Aries 7:58a | 31 | 1 APR | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
7 Mercury stations Direct, 7:07a | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 Venus stations Direct, 9:02p |
FULL MOON IN LEO February 12, 2025, 8:53am (Moon opp Sun/Ceres/Mercury, square Uranus, square Juno, trine Chiron, trine Hygeia; retrograde, out of bounds Mars reaches 17 deg Cancer where it slows way down toward its station)
This full moon has Uranus - the ruler of Aquarius and sign of the Sun in this transit - in square aspect to it, which can cause some chaos (lower vibration of Uranus) as well as spark some awakening or enlightenment (higher vibration of Uranus). This can look like people acting wildly out of their ego energy, creating problems for others because they demand attention, power, and control, or it can manifest as self-realization that Love is the highest power there is. Choose consciously! Uranus transits come out of the blue like lightning bolts; you won’t see them coming. For 24 hours around the exact full moon, expect the unexpected and be prepared to respond instead of react.MERCURY ENTERS PISCES February 14, 2025, 7:06am
SUN ENTERS PISCES February 18, 2025, 5:06am
CERES ENTERS PISCES February 23, 2025, 5:52pm
MARS STATIONS DIRECT February 23, 2025, 9:00pm at 17°00’ Cancer
Finally, Mars stations direct! It will not begin moving forward again until Monday, February 24, 2025 at 8:38am EST so there will be almost exactly 12 hours of Mars direct but still motionless - this will be a volatile period. All the months of feeling like our hands are tied, that we don’t know how to act or what to do, will now be released. Plans will start to take shape and a sense of personal power returns. Act with intention and move ahead.Mars has been out of bounds by declination (which makes the energy of the planet behave more unpredictably, intensely, “extra,” or “wild”) since January 1, 2025 and will remain out of bounds until April 7, 2025. This is rare for Mars to be both retrograde and out of bounds at the same time, as well as in the sign of its detriment, Cancer. This means that Mars energy will be extra volatile, emotionally reactive, possessive, overprotective, impulsive, and combative. I’ve also been getting reports in the last few days from people feeling extremely sensitive and emotional, disoriented, lethargic, no traction, no motivation, helpless, vulnerable, self-medicating, soul sickness, and psychosomatic illness. Remember that when Mars is retrograde it loses its vigor and potency! This will affect everyone but most especially those (and especially men) with Mars in Cancer (the whole sign, 0-29°, this doesn’t play), those with any planet or point in Cancer from 7°-27°, or those with any planet or point in Aries, Libra, or Capricorn (the Cardinal signs) from 7°-27°. Additionally, those with any planet in any other sign from 14°-20° is going to be aspected by this as well.
As of February 11, 2025, Mars has been grinding down at 17° Cancer, where it will eventually station direct at 17°00’ Cancer on February 23, 2025. It will not leave the 17° Cancer degree until March 8, 2025, at 8:08pm when it finally reaches 18°00’ Cancer. THAT IS 25 DAYS AT THE SAME DEGREE. Please note that March 8th is the night that time changes from Standard to Daylight Savings Time, when clocks move forward one hour. We are literally finally moving forward, out of the darkness! The Moon will be EXACTLY conjunct Mars at this moment at 18°08’, the Sun will be exactly trine the Moon and Mars at 18°42’ Pisces, and Vesta will be trining from Scorpio at 17°51’, forming a Grand Water Trine. The number 8 features strongly here, associated with August (8th month), Leo, and the Strength tarot card. Leo is the sign that Mars was in when it began its retrograde motion; we are heading back to Leo, regaining our strength and momentum. The tide will finally begin to turn at this point, I believe. March 8th looks to be an emotionally cathartic day, like being let out of prison after a long incarceration or helpless situation. Tears may be shed. We are being birthed into it. Strength will slowly begin to return.
Strength Tarot Card, Major Arcana #8. Can be interpreted as the Goddess Circe taming her lions (which can be interpreted as taming the beast inside of men or the masculine, as she turned men into animals), or can also be seen as the Cancer Mother bestowing her grace onto the Leo Lion, the mother to the child, showing the way forward in the zodiac.
NEW MOON IN PISCES February 27, 2025, 7:44pm: , 9°40’, Conjunct Ceres, Vertex, Saturn; Square Jupiter in Gemini; NN in Pisces is 17° away so too far for an eclipse.
MERCURY ENTERS PRE-RETROGRADE SHADOW February 28, 2025: Conjunct the North Node in Pisces – messages and lessons begin now, and they will point the way toward evolution and spiritual growth
VENUS STATIONS RETROGRADE March 1, 2025, 7:36pm: at 10°50’ Aries
(See my Cycles of Venus article for information about the Venus Retrograde Cycle.) The Moon in Aries at 9° Aries will be conjunct Venus as it stations retrograde. The last time Venus traveled in reverse was during the Summer of 2023, in the sign of Leo and renewed our sense of self-love. This time, she travels back from self-activated Aries into universal love Pisces, so we can be sure we are moving forward with Right Action, which is always based in interconnectedness and universal love, in the realms of love, beauty, money, diplomacy, and art.MERCURY ENTERS ARIES March 3, 2025, 4:03am
FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE March 14, 2025, 2:53am: in Virgo at 23°56’ Virgo; Sun in Pisces conjunct Saturn, North Node, Neptune; Moon in Virgo conjunct South Node; Jupiter in Gemini widely square at 13°34’. Asteroid Astraea square at 19°46’ Sagittarius. Themes of this Eclipse will be (Capital T) Truth vs exaggeration, morality vs deception, intuitive knowing vs tangible reality, faith in the benevolent future vs attachment to the anxiety-filled past.
MERCURY STATIONS RETROGRADE March 15, 2025, 2:46am: 9°35’ Aries; Mercury conjunct Venus retrograde and Neptune at 29° Pisces, square Jupiter in (Mercury-ruled) Gemini. We are reviewing our communication style, as well as our sources. Do we trust our intuition? Can we discern intuition from imagination? Can we communicate diplomatically, without exaggeration or white lies? Can we tell the Truth? Can we separate Truth from fiction?
SUN INTO ARIES / SPRING EQUINOX March 20, 2025, 5:01am: Sun conjunct Venus retro and Mercury retro and trine Moon in Sagittarius; Sun conjunct Neptune at 29° Pisces and Saturn at 23° Pisces; Mercury semisquare Uranus; Moon forms a Thor’s Hammer (apex) with Mars in Cancer square Chiron in Aries as the base.
We blast into Aries season and Spring with some fiery angst as the Moon squares off in a compulsively repulsive aspect with Aries’ ruler Mars and Wounded Healer Chiron.VENUS CAZIMI SUN (Inferior Conjunction) March 23, 2025: – the heart of love is burned away so it can be reborn anew (Venus transitions from Evening Star in preparation to become Morning Star in our skies. It will disappear from our night sky as it reaches its inferior conjunction with the Sun. Venus reappears in the morning skies in April, reaching its greatest brilliance in the morning sky on April 27, 2025.) See my article on the Cycles of Venus for more information.
MERCURY CAZIMI SUN March 24, 2025: – a moment of illumination and realization.
VENUS RETROGRADE REENTERS PISCES March 27, 2025: conjunct Neptune at 29° Pisces. The fires of Aries are extinguished in the ethereal ocean of universal love of Pisces so it can temper it into a stronger sword when it gets refired in Aries again on April 30, 2025.
NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE March 29, 2025, 6:57am: in Aries, 9°00’, partial eclipse, North Node at 27° Pisces; New Moon conjunct Mercury retrograde, Neptune, Venus, North Node; Mercury retrograde reenters Pisces 10:18pm.
NEPTUNE ENTERS ARIES March 30, 2025, 7:58am: Neptune has not been in Aries since 1875. It last entered Aries in 1862, just as the U.S. Civil War was heating up. (The Civil War began on April 12, 1861 at 4:30am in Charleston, South Carolina as Confederate troops fired on Fort Sumter; Neptune was at 29°56’ Pisces on that day and entered Aries a mere 35 hours later on April 13, 1861.) To say that we should probably keep an eye on this event in the United States is an understatement. I will write more about this soon!
MERCURY STATIONS DIRECT April 7, 2025, 7:07am: at 26°49’ Pisces, conjunct North Node, Saturn, Venus Retrograde, Ceres, and Neptune in Aries. Pause, and collect your thoughts. Meditate. Consider how you have course-corrected during this retrograde period, how your thoughts have shifted. Allow this to sink into your being, set your intentions, and move forward with Love.
VENUS STATIONS DIRECT April 12, 2025, 9:02pm: at 24°37’ Pisces, conjunct Saturn, North Node, Mercury, Ceres, and Neptune. Those with Venus prominent in their charts (Libra, Taurus placements, Venus conjunct a Luminary or personal planet, or conjunct an angle) will feel some relief with this. Like Mercury stationing direct, pause, and consider how your emotional self has been cleansed and prepared for reforging as we sink into this deep conglomeration of planets in Pisces’ universal waters before we plunge headlong into the fiery energy of Aries. Venus reenters Aries on April 30, 2025.
As always, if you have any questions about the upcoming transits, or would like a reading to see how these transits will affect you or a loved one personally, please don’t hesitate to contact me.