Neptune in Aries March 30: Use the Force
Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole, surrounded by swirling colors and fantastical imagery, capturing the moment of her journey into Wonderland. By Sladjana, Generated with AI
Going Down The Rabbit Hole
Neptune rules Pisces (along with Jupiter). It has a 165-year orbit around the sun, spending 12-14 years in each sign. The last time Neptune was in Aries was from 1861 until 1875.
It was an incredibly eventful time period. Multiple wars occurred, including the American Civil War, social structures changed dramatically worldwide, and leaps in technology and art abounded. Including, for purposes of this writing, the legendary book Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. (The story was first told by Lewis Carroll [Charles Dodgson] to Alice Liddell on July 4, 1862; Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was published with illustrations by John Tenniel in 1865.) He had an unaspected Neptune in Capricorn in his birth chart (born January 27, 1832), signifying an exceptionally vivid imagination, offering the potential to bring visionary ideas to life, yet it can also amplify the shadow side of this planet if not grounded and tethered to reality.
In its unevolved vibrational expression, Neptune (as a higher octave of the Moon) is associated with illusion, delusion, glamour, deception, idealism, addiction, escapism, fantasy, inability to face or tell or even see the truth, evasion, devils, spirits, possessions, loss of clarity, distortion, fun house mirrors, trickery, alcohol/drug/substance abuse, confusion, manipulation, rose-colored glasses, self-medication, avoiding reality, institutionalization, mental illness, psychosomatic illness, mass delusion, and slavery. In this mode, Neptune represents the Collective Unconsciousness.
In its higher, evolved expression, Neptune (as a higher octave of Venus) is associated with universal or divine Love, agape, spirituality, unity, Christ Consciousness*, illumination, creativity, imagination, ascension, intuition, psychic ability, altered states of consciousness, meditation, dreams, lucid dreaming, spiritual messages, spiritual exploration, angels, divine inspiration and insight, compassion, empathy, clarity so intense it is difficult to put into words and can only be expressed through art, music, or poetry, ethereality, and seeing the world as it truly is: a psychedelic and multidimensional classroom meant to help us achieve self-realization and evolve spiritually while experiencing life repeatedly (or all at once, according to some theories, where even time and space itself is an illusion) in temporal bodies, achieving ultimate freedom, peace, and release from the constraints of limited 3D perception. In this mode, Neptune represents the Collective Consciousness.
I like to think of Neptune in this imaginal way: it’s like riding a unicycle on a tightrope across the ocean, with sharks, sea monsters, storms, rocks, icebergs, whirlpools, and man-eating, voluptuous sirens on one side and with sea turtles, dolphins, sand dollars, mermaids and other magical sea creatures, gentle waves and breezes in warm lagoons, sailboats, yacht rock, an open bar, and pleasant beaches glistening in warm sunlight on the other. Both are always there; we have to stay upright on our tightrope and navigate consciously because to stay on either side, we risk losing touch with reality. We risk drowning in self-destructive delusion. We can perceive these wondrous things, but we need to stay here. We can’t live in the dream; we need to stay awake.
“We’re all mad here.” - Cheshire Cat, Alice in Wonderland.
Aries is the God of War and is ruled by the planet Mars, which is associated with war, aggression, masculinity, drive, determination, passion, competition, ferocity, enthusiasm, confidence, fearlessness, anger, impulsivity, strength, energy, force, quick starts and quick finishes, leadership, conflict, combativeness, self-centeredness, impetuousness, immaturity, being headstrong, rash, rage, ego, adventurousness, and independence. Aries energy is the emergence of Spring after Winter; it is the first green sprout pushing its way out of cold, hard ground; it is fighting for life, full of the inevitability and confidence of its arrival. It cannot lose, and it knows it. It is the first born child.
Neptune in Scorpio – which is co-ruled by Pluto and Mars – might be the closest energy we have to relate to since no one alive remembers when Neptune was last in Aries. The difference will be that Aries is pure, unadulterated, fiery, headstrong Mars energy, while Scorpio is deep water, transformative, obsessive, penetrating, and purifying Pluto energy with the fervent drive of Mars.
Neptune conjunct Mars energy looks like glamour, Louboutin and Manolo Blahnik stilettos, role play, BDSM, opium or heroin addiction, punk rock, MDMA, aggressive religious zealotry, conspiracy theories fostering mass delusion and anger, blurred lines of consent, diffuse energy, being caught in the undertow, running through quicksand in your sleep, unclear direction, all dressed up with nowhere to go, charging ahead without a clear plan or destination, sleepwalking, life is but a dream, rock stars, movie stars, fantasy action scenes, are we in Middle Earth? Or is this Westeros? Half-baked, hair-brained, out-of-this-world ideas, maybe we should go to Mars…?
“We are observing a psychedelic revolution, but not the conscious version of it.” - Carrie Ann Baade. Allegory of Bad Government, oil painting by Carrie Ann Baade.
So, Neptune in Aries could be similarly themed. Let’s look further into the looking glass…
Alice, from Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll, 1865.
During this psychedelic time of Neptune in Pisces, weed has become legal, you can get a prescription for Ketamine, and fake news, disinformation, magical thinking, escaping from reality, and conspiracy theories are mainstream and affecting politics on a global level.
And yet, never before have this many people gained consciousness ever before in history. George Harrison (a Pisces Sun) can be credited (among others) with planting the seeds of Eastern Spirituality in rock music and released to the mainstream culture. He considered himself more of a gardener than a musician, which is remarkable considering his vast musical talents. Because of him and the rest of the Beatles, everyone has been at least exposed to meditation and yoga (if not participates in a regular practice), everyone knows what a guru is, what chakras are, and that “Love is all you need.” Everyone is aware of the Hare Krishna mantra, Buddhism, and the sound of Om. There has never been so many awakening humans at one time.
George Harrison, wearing Om symbol shirt and Hindu saint buttons.
If Neptune energy is not handled with the utmost consciousness, it can slide into the utmost levels of gaslighting, dissociation from reality, paranoia, delusion, conspiracy theories, and mind-bending chaos - darkness. Which is what the unconscious among us are thoroughly engaged in and weaponizing right now.
Quote from Alice in Wonderland, attributed to the Cheshire Cat but sometimes attributed to Lewis Carroll himself.
What we are presented with then, as Neptune leaves this deep dive into its own psychedelic waters, is to take the best of Neptune, the highest aspect of it – the beauty and wonder of life, the connection between everything, the sacredness of everything, the highest spiritual Love and Christ Consciousness, the Light – and bring it into action – Aries, Mars – take it, with gusto, into reality.
Use the Force like full blown Jedi Warriors. We may not have light sabers (yet), but we do have the same ability to use energy correctly and consciously.
Yes, I’m fully aware that the whole Star Wars and Jedi concept is fictional. So is Alice in Wonderland! But both serve as powerful metaphors for consciousness, energy, and manifestation techniques—practices that are far more prevalent in collective awareness today than they were 50 years ago when Star Wars: A New Hope was first released.
George Lucas envisioned the Force as an energy field generated by all living things—a mystical life force that permeates the galaxy and can be harnessed for either light (consciousness) or darkness (unconsciousness). He described using the Force as blending the principles of karate with those of yoga. And no, that doesn’t merely mean the “bendy-kicky” kind—it’s about harnessing energy wisely and aligning (yoga literally means union) with universal life force energies. Those who meditate regularly and elevate their consciousness understand that this expanded field of awareness can also be called “the Force.”
So, let’s embrace our inner nerd and roll with it.
We’ll need to channel our energy into recovering from the mind-bending chaos of Neptune in Pisces. This is a time of awakening—moving out of the dream state and making things happen.
Saturn will play a key role in this shift (with Pluto and Uranus adding their own influence—more on that soon).
From now through February 2027, Saturn will be shadowing Neptune. Both will move into Aries, retrograde back into Pisces (back into drifting in un-reality), and then re-enter Aries again. But for the next two years, they will remain within conjunction range, shaping the collective experience in profound ways.
“Drink Me” tag on a bottle in Wonderland, from Alice in Wonderland animated Disney film, 1951.
I see Saturn as the antidote to Neptune. It is material reality, structure, rules, practicality, rationality, authority, facts, restrictions, discipline, mastery, and consequences. It is the grounding, physical reality energy that balances the non-physical existentialism of Neptune. If Neptune is the wild, mystical, and magical ocean filled with all the wild and extreme contradictions of mystical mermaids and hungry sharks, sleepy tidal pools and terrifying tsunamis, peaceful lagoons and destructive hurricanes, cute sea horses and monstrous angler fish, then Saturn is the ship, and the ballast in the ship, and all the meticulous rigging, structure, and preparation that allows sailors to safely cross the ocean’s beautifully treacherous depths.
Merged together, we get reality blended with MAGIC.
It is literally manifesting magic but it needs to be grounded, realistic, and practical. This is Practical Magic time. It is time to learn the ways of the Jedi.
Alice, from Alice in Wonderland film 2010, Carroll/Disney/Burton, edited to show Alice wielding a purple light saber instead of a sword to fight the Jabberwocky.
Saturn in Pisces possesses the “believe it in order to see it” energy – quite opposite from the pragmatism of Saturn’s ruling sign of Capricorn which is more of the “see it to believe it” paradigm. Combining with Neptune, whether in Pisces or Aries, or a combination of the two, we will get more of the “Believe it to See it” vibe happening. (The same energy manifests when Neptune is in Capricorn, in a roundabout way, as well – which is where Lewis Carroll’s unaspected Neptune was in his natal chart.)
Neptune is the dream, the full spectrum of consciousness, the magic; Saturn is the master, the strict teacher who wants you to develop mastery yourself. Together, we are offered the potential to master the full spectrum of consciousness.
Quote from Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll, 1865.
This concept aligns with the SPEC manifestation method, developed by Helene Hadsell (1924-2010), who also authored the book, The Name It and Claim It Game: with WINeuvers for WISHcraft which gave some of her hints for how to win contests, and also delved into her philosophy of "Believe you can win and you will":
Select It: Know exactly what you want. Be very specific.
Project It: Visualize the thing; now you have to feel as if you already have it, even though it isn’t (yet) true. What you desire already exists, you just have to attract it towards you. Visualize having it and feel that “as if it’s real and happening” feeling deeply.
Expect It: Simply expect the thing to happen. The more you believe you already possess it, the quicker it will manifest in your life. Don’t doubt or question it or wonder when it will happen. Just know it is on its way. Trust yourself, your Intuition, and your Power to be real. Trust your ability to create anything that you need.
(“Trust your feelings, Luke.” - Obiwan Kenobi, Star Wars)Collect It: Collect what you asked for and be ready to receive with gratitude.
This is a good place to start. What will we manifest? How will we change the world?
We first have to transform ourselves and raise our own consciousness. We can only do this by going within, by connecting with our inner light. We will only create more delusion if we operate from dysfunctional Neptunian energy. If you’re busy escaping, numbing (lower vibe Neptune), fighting (Aries/Mars) about whose conspiracy theory is more “right,” or leading a crusade for a lost cause that promotes anger, suffering, destruction, or domination of others or the planet in order to chase and hoard wealth to the detriment of all and the continuation of an unconscious, self-centered, hubristic paradigm (like the Confederates in the American Civil War; or, like some modern billionaire “politicians”), then you’re operating from dysfunctional Neptune energy.
If you are willing to fight (Aries/Mars) for the ultimate reality (Neptune/Saturn), which is to say, promoting Christ Consciousness, or Self Realization (recognizing your True Nature), then you’re doing Neptune with Saturn in Aries correctly. This is how we become Warriors of Love – true Jedi – in a practical way. It’s bringing the ethereal into the material plane. It is the realization of the Unity with the Divine in action, in the real world. It is Awakening.
Neptune in Aries is the fight to Awaken, to promote and foster awakening.
Quote from Mad Hatter, Alice in Wonderland. Image from 2010 Alice in Wonderland film.
It's a magical combination but only if we are intentional with it and don’t get sucked into Neptune’s undertow. Saturn, in its prolonged proximity to Neptune, will continue to behave somewhat like Saturn in Pisces, just oomphed up and on fire with Aries’ influence (when in Aries).
Saturn in Pisces’ lower vibe is a gullible, malleable pushover, falling for each and every scam, scheme, fad, or con due to a distinct lack of boundaries. Those with this natally may become dogmatic about several religious or spiritual beliefs or practices, all at once or in succession. They may lack self-discipline, especially around alcohol, drugs, or any type of self-medication, responsibility avoidance, or reality dodging. They may become stuck in overwhelm, grief, self-criticism, and impracticality.
Saturn in Pisces’ higher vibe is magical, less rigid, and more able to go with the flow of things. Spiritual growth is prioritized. There is a profound sense of faith in one’s own powers of discernment, creativity, intuition, and inner wisdom, leading to self-empowerment fueled by an inner or higher authority. A strong desire to help others grows from this spiritual self-understanding.
My thoughts on Aries’ influence on the Saturn/Neptune combo: Taking inspired action; activism; fighting for awakening; aggressively manifesting a divine, inspired world by doing one’s own inner work; changing the world by changing oneself; trusting oneself to take divine action; Joan of Arc; Mary Magdalene; Alice fighting the Jabberwocky with a light saber. Alternatively, fighting to stay asleep; aggressively fighting or competing to maintain a delusion or disconnection/dissociation; Don Quixote; delusionally believing one has more power but actually having less the more one tries to force things.
The only true power will be to “use the Force,” – not by being aggressively forceful, but by uniting with and going with the flow (Neptune) of the Universal Life Force (Aries) - especially with Neptune’s (and Saturn’s) supportive sextiles to transformative Pluto in Collective-minded Aquarius and enlightened Uranus in quick-minded Gemini.
Consciousness will become the real power.
Alice at the Tea Party, Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll, 1865.
Pluto in Aquarius is “power to the people,” but which people? All the people. But it will only bring true power to what benefits the highest good of the collective – the ideal of Aquarius – and that may include some rough destruction of what is no longer working, despite anyone’s tearful clutching at the familiar. Uranus (the modern ruler of Aquarius) in Gemini will bring genius ideas and silver tongues and will be trining Pluto for some time, ramping up its power there as well. Intellectual and technological innovations will transform society as a whole. Fearful of AI? Too late, that genie is out of the bottle. The best way forward is to figure out how to harness it for good.
Saturn (the traditional ruler of Aquarius) in Aries, combined with mystical and magical Neptune, will be forming supportive sextiles to both Pluto and Uranus, energizing the Aquarian activation. If there was ever time to manifest a better world, this is it. They are here to wake us up.
We will start feeling this activation once Neptune enters Aries on March 30, 2025, at 7:58am. Saturn follows into Aries on May 24, 2025, at 11:36pm. Uranus ingresses Gemini on July 7, 2025, at 3:47am (all times EDT). The alarm bells are sounding.
White Rabbit at the Tea Party, from Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll, 1865.
The world needs – I need, you need – to reconnect to the soul, to the deeper truth of who we are (spiritual beings having a physical experience), not just physical bodies. Happiness is not something to chase, conquer, or hoard. We cannot eat money. We are being initiated into true wisdom and a balance between extreme masculine (Saturn – authoritarianism; too much ego/power) and extreme feminine (Neptune – dissociation; too much ethereality). Those who are living and acting from deep dysfunction are serving a higher purpose: they are waking people up in droves.
We have to wake up.
Rumi quote from “A Great Wagon.”
End notes:
* AI defines Christ Consciousness as:
Christ consciousness is a state of awareness and enlightenment that some say can be achieved through meditation and good works. It's also described as a higher state of emotional maturity and intellectual development.
Key characteristics:
Self-awareness: Recognizing your true nature and higher self
Self-love: Accepting and loving yourself and others
Non-attachment: Not being defined by negative experiences
Harmony: Aligning your mind and heart with the divine universe
How to achieve it: Contemplative meditation, Allowance and non-resistance, and Commitment to love.
Other names: Some say that Christ consciousness is also known as Krishna consciousness, Buddha consciousness, or the Atman.
Examples of Christ consciousness: Some say that the lives of Jesus, Krishna, and Buddha exemplify Christ consciousness.
Historical note: The term "Christ consciousness" has become more popular in recent years.
2. (See The Telepathy Tapes for insight into how humanity is evolving in Neptunian fashion.)
3. Neptune in Aries, 19th Century:
April 13, 1861 (conjunct Mercury in Pisces) – October 1, 1861
February 14, 1862 – June 8, 1874
September 30, 1874- April 7, 1875
American Civil War and Abolishment of Slavery
Paraguayan War which killed (by the Triple Alliance of Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay) almost 60% of the Paraguayan people
Austro-Prussian war of 1866
Unification of Italy
New Zealand Wars and Maori Land Confiscations
Meiji Restoration in Japan transforming it into a global imperial power
Second Opium War in China leading to the decline of the Qing Dynasty
Russian Empire’s Circassian genocide in the Caucasus leading to the deaths or expulsion of at least 75% of the Circassian people
French occupation of Mexico
The Dominion of Canada is created by the British North America Act on July 1, 1867
Compromise between Austria and Hungary creating the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1867
The “La Gloriosa” revolution in Spain in 1868; Queen Isabella II is deposed.
Multiple prominent assassinations in Japan (4!), Bolivia, Honduras, Madagascar, USA (President Abraham Lincoln and Representative James Hinds of Arkansas, the first Congressman to be assassinated), Uruguay, and Canada.
4. Scientific advancements will likely take place during Neptune in Aries, as we make leaps and bounds with inspired imagination. In the 19th Century, the following discoveries occurred:
First underground railway (subway) in London
First mechanical submarine
US’s first transcontinental railroad
Suez Canal opened in Egypt
First transatlantic telegraph cable laid between America and Europe allowing almost instant communication
Alfred Nobel invents dynamite in Sweden (and launches the Nobel Prizes)
James Clerk Maxwell publishes his equations that quantify the relationship between electricity and magnetism, and shows that light is a form of electromagnetic radiation
Joseph Lister develops antiseptic methods for use in surgery in 1867, introducing carbolic acid as an antiseptic, turning it into the first widely used surgical antiseptic in surgery, and publishing Antiseptic Principle of the Practice of Surgery. As a result, deaths from infections due to surgery greatly decreased.
Gregor Mendel formulates Mendel's laws of inheritance, the basis for genetics, in a two-part paper written in 1865 and published in 1866, although it is largely ignored until 1900.
Dmitri Mendeleev develops the modern periodic table
Helium was first detected during the total solar eclipse of August 18, 1868, in parts of India. It was the first eclipse expedition in which a spectroscope was used.
J. Norman Lockyer and Pierre Janssen are honored for their discovery of the nature of the Sun's prominences. They were the first to notice bright spectral emission lines when viewing the limb of the Sun without the aid of a total solar eclipse.
1862 International Exhibition in London, England and 1867 International Exposition in Paris.
Louis Pasteur develops a technique of food preservation known as Pasteurization, advancing understanding of the Germ theory of disease.
The London Fire Brigade was established in 1865
The Baha’I’ Faith is established
The Salvation Army is established
The bicycle craze began
5. Other notable cultural accomplishments:
Victorian Era
Les Miserables written
War and Peace written
Crime and Punishment
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas
Great Expectations
Das Kapital (Karl Marx)
Horatio Alger publishes Ragged Dick
Impressionism went public
Winged Victory (The Winged Nike) of Samothrace statue is discovered in 1863, a masterpiece of Greek sculpture from the Hellenistic Era, dating from c. 190 B.C.
6. Neptune in Aries Dates, 21st Century:
March 30, 2025 -October 22, 2025
Jan 26, 2026 -May 22, 2038
October 21, 2038 -March 23, 2039
- May the Force be with you, Alice.