About Psyche
Psyche is the Greek word for “soul” or “spirit.” It also translates to “butterfly” as the three steps of metamorphosis the winged insect undergoes can be said to mirror the spiritual transformation of humans.
The Mythology of Psyche
In Greek mythology, Psyche’s myth is the story of the soul redeeming itself through love. It describes the heroine’s journey of a beautiful princess who was so enchanting, she made the goddess Aphrodite (or Venus, in the Roman version of the myth) jealous enough to send her son Eros (or Cupid) to inspire her, by way of piercing her with one of his arrows, to fall in love with the most hideous monster around. Unfortunately, even her son found himself falling for Psyche and created a spell that made him and his servants invisible to her so that he could take her away to his palace and make her his wife. This carried on happily for all until, after a visit by her two sisters who convinced Psyche to find out who she was really married to. Was he indeed sweet, kind, and loving as she thought, or was he the hideous monster everyone assumed she was actually married to, due to an oracle from Apollo’s Temple that her parents had obtained? One night, after Eros was asleep, Psyche lit the room with a candle to discover that her husband was indeed no other than the god of Love himself! She accidentally dripped hot wax on him which woke him, causing him to flee from her in horror at her distrust and betrayal of his secret. She was anguished and began looking the world over for him. She was turned away by Pan, Demeter, and Hera, before she found herself confronted by Aphrodite herself. Enraged, Aphrodite set before Psyche several difficult trials to complete, including sorting an impossible pile of seeds, bringing her the golden fleece from the famous sheep with the poisonous bites, and venturing into the Underworld to petition Persephone herself for a vial of her beauty elixir so that Aphrodite could refresh herself. Psyche not only completed her quests, she finally earned the right from Zeus to become a goddess herself and to marry her love, Eros, in their immortality. Psyche is often depicted artistically with butterfly wings, while Eros is adorned with the wings of an angel.
An excellent reading of the myth of Psyche can be found by Dr. Catherine Svehla of the Myth Matters podcast here: https://mythicmojo.com/love-and-soul-the-classical-myth-of-psyche-and-eros/.
Psyche in Astrology
Astrologically, as in the myth, Psyche (Asteroid #16) represents our soul in a delicate, unencumbered, and somewhat vulnerable way. I like to think of it as a description of how one deeply is, such as on an inner child-level, and a description of what one needs in order to develop into their Highest Self – which is borne of self-love - or their purpose in this lifetime.
It is considered one of the “relationship asteroids” and is usually paired with Eros (Asteroid #433) when analyzing synastry between romantic partners. Eros represents love, but particularly physical or romantic love that often is what we think of as lust or infatuation. Psyche, the soul, needs love – that is the parable. But I think what it ultimately shows us, when analyzed on its own separate from another’s Eros, is how to develop self-love so that we can fulfill our soul’s quest in this lifetime, or across many lifetimes, to become our Highest Selves. Our Psyche placement can show what we need to fulfill that quest for the cultivation of inner love.
When paired with other planets or planetary bodies by aspect, but especially by conjunction, Psyche lends a quality of supernatural intuition or giftedness to that planet’s qualities. The native will intuitively know or will be drawn to self-teach themselves how to be the higher, more conscious quality that the paired planet expresses.
For example, my Psyche is at 16 Gemini, near my Descendant. I need curiosity, mental stimulation, conversation, and a variety of experiences in relationship to fulfill my soul’s quest of finding self-love. I need to learn and grow. Anything that contacts my Psyche placement, either in my natal chart, by transit, or in synastry with another, can help me along my path of self-love and self-actualization via transformation. Supportive contacts (trines, sextiles, and sometimes conjunctions, as conjunctions are both positive and negative) cause my experience of learning about and growing into self-love to be light and easy; challenging contacts (by squares, oppositions, and sometimes conjunctions) cause that path to be more arduous and painful, but productive all the same, it just may take longer to get there (and may require more therapy).
Asteroid Psyche was discovered by Annibale de Gasparis on March 17th, 1852 in Naples. Psyche’s symbol is represented by a butterfly wing topped by a star.
Psyche Asteroid (16) By Sign
Psyche in Aries: Your Spirit is brave and energetic, fearless and impulsive, and you need to develop teamsmanship and self-awareness so you can transform yourself, through self-love, into your Highest Self – a worthy leader.
Psyche in Taurus: Your Spirit is luxuriating and steadfast, enchanted by beauty and fine material things, and you need to develop stability and serenity so you can transform yourself, through self-love, into your Highest Self - a generous benefactor..
Psyche in Gemini: Your Spirit is curious and inquisitive, childlike and eager, and you need to develop awareness and understanding through a variety of life experiences so you can transform yourself, through self-love, into your Highest Self – an enlightened being that can share wisdom with others.
Psyche in Cancer: Your Spirit is sensitive and nurturing, emotional and sentimental, and you need to develop a thicker skin and learn to let go when appropriate so you can transform yourself, through self-love, into your Highest Self – a secure source of loving kindness.
Psyche in Leo: Your Spirit is dramatic and fun-loving, playful and expressive, and you need to develop humility and learn to use the spotlight to the benefit of everyone so you can transform yourself, through self-love, into your Highest Self – a generous and inspiring role model.
Psyche in Virgo: Your Spirit is exacting and analytical, health-oriented and helpful, and you need to develop tolerance for imperfection so you can transform yourself, through self-love, into your Highest Self – a vessel for the manifestation of pure spirit into material form.
Psyche in Libra: Your Spirit is romantic and artistic, fair-minded and graceful, and you need to develop faith in yourself and in your judgement so you can transform yourself, through self-love, into your Highest Self – a clear and steadfast judge of what is right and wrong for you, especially in relationships with others.
Psyche in Scorpio: Your Spirit is investigative and deep, emotionally intense and devoted, and you need to develop the ability to respond instead of to react so you can transform yourself, through self-love, into your Highest Self – a fearless and fiercely determined manifestor of truth.
Psyche in Sagittarius: Your Spirit is adventurous and independent, exploratory and gregarious, and you need to develop a sense of freedom within responsibility so you can transform yourself, through self-love, into your Highest Self – a dependable, wizened sage.
Psyche in Capricorn: Your Spirit is ambitious and successful, dependable and timeless, and you need to develop a sense of balance so you can transform yourself, through self-love, into your Highest Self – a well-rounded, self-accepting achiever who can also revel in life’s pleasures.
Psyche in Aquarius: Your Spirit is independent and intelligent, unique and a humanitarian, and you need to develop a deeper sense of emotional connection with others so you can transform yourself, through self-love, into your Highest Self – an activist for people’s true needs in the here and now and not just what you idealize for the future.
Psyche in Pisces: Your Spirit is gentle and imaginative, ethereal and intuitive, and you need to develop stronger boundaries between yourself and others so you can transform yourself, through self-love, into your Highest Self – a creative and spiritual inspiration for others.
How to Find Psyche in Your Chart
Go to www.astro.com, Extended Chart section: enter your birth data and scroll down to find the “additional objects” section and enter “16” to calculate Psyche’s position in your natal chart.
**QUICK FACT ABOUT ASTEROID PSYCHE: NASA has determined that the asteroid Psyche is made up of about $10,000 quadrillion dollars’ worth of various precious metals, including platinum, iron, nickel, and gold. As of this writing, an exploration vessel will be sent to study the asteroid in October 2023.
See: https://www.nasa.gov/psyche