How Can Astrology Help Me?
Want to learn more about yourself or your loved ones? Your potential? What’s in store for you? Want guidance in healing yourself and getting past old wounds, repeated patterns, and leveling up your life? Astrology can help!
Astrology is an ancient craft based on astronomy, mythology, psychology, and mysticism we can use in many ways.
We can assess your natal (birth) chart to determine your strengths, weaknesses, lessons, career aptitudes, wounds, potential for healing, and how to elevate your energy and evolve yourself into your best life.
We can analyze the same things in the charts of your family members and loved ones.
We can evaluate the synastry – how your natal chart interacts with others’ natal charts – between you and others and understand where triggers lie and how to best handle them, assess what each others’ needs are and how best to meet them, and determine overall compatibility in the relationship. This can be done with all kinds of relationships – friends, family, workmates, even enemies – not just romantic ones.
We can create a composite chart, which is a relationship chart that is based on the combination (by midpoints) of two people’s charts into one. This can then be read similarly to a natal chart to determine the character of the relationship. This can then be analyzed in synastry to each person’s natal chart to determine what they each get out of the relationship.
We can look at progressions to assess what changes you have gone through since your birth and what changes you have ahead of you, transits to see what energies you have affecting you currently and what is coming up soon for you, nodal aspects and transits to determine your evolutionary path, and solar returns to determine how the next trip around the sun will be for you based on astrological aspects when the sun returns to the same position as your natal sun on your annual birthday.
Some may argue that astrology is not a science – I would agree, to a point. It is a craft that utilizes the scientific skills of observation, sorting, classification, quantification, inference, prediction, experimentation, and communication. It requires skill, intuition, insight, a deep understanding of the archetypes behind each sign, house, planet, asteroid, or other planetary body (of which there are thousands), and the ability to perceive how multiple pieces of a puzzle fit together to create the beautiful artwork that is each of us. It requires a willingness to believe that the universe speaks to us and through us, always supporting us on our individual evolutionary paths.
Astrology is not fate; free will is always our birthright. It provides us with clear choices, and we are always in control of what we choose, in every moment. It is simply a tool that we can use to help guide ourselves to be our best selves and to experience the best that life has to offer.
Astrology is transformative guidance for the soul.