Mercury, Mars, and Uranus, Oh My!
Planetary Energies for 8:12am EST January 18, 2023:
Mercury Station Direct at 8°8’ Capricorn, January 18, 2023 at 8:12 am
(Mercury stationing at 8°8’ Capricorn, January 17, 2023 at 9:23 pm)
Mercury moves forward again at 8°9’ Capricorn, January 18, 2023 at 7:08 pm)
Mars recently Direct at 8°19’ Gemini (at time of Merc SD)
Uranus stationed at 14°56’ Taurus (stations at 1:19am EST, January 18, 2023)
The Parent Trap, movie, 1998, starring Lindsay Lohan
So, this is fun. My good friend, who is home sick with Covid (bless her), described the planetary energies this week as “like the Parent Trap movie” because Mercury, which is the ruler of Gemini (and Virgo) is preparing to station direct at 8 Capricorn while Mars, exalted in Capricorn, is just newly direct and very slowly creeping forward at 8 Gemini. These two, who both don’t do well when trapped in stillness – Mars is action, Mercury is thought and communication – are in an exact inconjunct at 8 degrees, and in fact, Mercury is stationing only one minute away from the exact degree that Mars stationed at a week ago on January 12.
Mercury inconjunct Mars is a grinding experience. Them being in comfortable places for each other but not for themselves, necessarily, is quite aggravating. Mars wants to run off to the races and begin achieving again, as it would do so effortlessly and productively if it were in Capricorn, while Mercury in Capricorn is blocked, thwarted, and denied everything as it stations while it would be reigning supreme if it were flitting about in Gemini. They are in dialogue, due to their exact degree aspect – and they are annoyed with one another. Perhaps even jealous.
This grind will translate into your life if you have any planets at or near (5-degree orb for most planets, 8-10-degree orb for Sun and Moon) 8° degrees of any sign. Expect disruption, irritation, annoyance, and for plans to be thwarted. Accept any misdirections as a blessing.
Adding to the mix is Uranus stationing at 14°56’ Taurus a mere 7 hours prior to the end of Mercury’s retrograde. That means between the hours of 1:19 am and 7:08 pm on January 18, 2023 – approximately 18 hours – we will have both Mercury and Uranus at a standstill, and in trine to one another.
Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury, which is rational thought and communication. Uranus is, then, higher thought and communication – like intuition, gnosis, psychic abilities like clairvoyance and clairsentience, and the internet and technology in general, especially A.I.
So, if you are stuck in a grind – like you’ve suddenly discovered you have Covid, for example – let this be a reminder that you are to do exactly that: STOP, LOOK, and LISTEN. The Universe wants to tell you something. A portal is opening to greater understanding. Pay attention! Massive downloads are incoming. Any planet or point between 2° - 20° in any sign – and that will fit most of us – will be ripe for gleaning important information related to that planet, point, or house at this time.
What will it mean for you? If you are interested in a reading with me, I’d be happy to help!
Go to for more information.
Happy Mercury Station Direct!